Tuesday, July 15, 2008

i cried...while talking to jean just now at food court...
she always know my weak point, and always attacked it and Fxxxing pain...

i still rmb the 1st month in this pcs of land...
i cried...cos i was bully by those senior mgr in McD...

and now, this the last month i in this pcs of land,
yet i cried...i dunno how many times i had cried...

ET, i really wan to know why?why must you do this to me and r?

i have no more strength...i had collapsed again today!!!
are you happy to see this???
i had apologize for what i had done,
yet still you hurting people around me...
what the Fxxx you wan actually??

i shdnt pull you in agian...
i really dun know she will attack you again after i apologize...
why i kept repeating this stupid mistake that jean had mention to me many times??
what the hell is going on??

I will just carry this stupid SHIT for another 16days...
and you will have no more excuse to attack the peoples that i loved...

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